German and Russian languages online

German and russian versions of Costarose website ( are ready, simply click on top right corner to change it. Even in international world, where english is one of the dominant languages around the globe, we feel responsible for every client to be fully understood. There are more languages on their way, so we will keep you posted. 

For more info about importance of translations in general, you can check:


Welcome to Costarose Charters!

Our first post, welcome, dear readers!

Year 2014 is definitely going to be busy for us – from special itineraries, luxury services to many, many special events. But firstly,a little bit more about us below.

As a more personal yacht charter company we strive for perfection with every single client. From simple beginnings to a very inspiring future, we take great pleasure in going above and beyond to bring you an incredible experience. Starting with trips on pristine Croatian sea and breathtaking hidden islands looking up to a new international special sailing tour coming up in the near future, lets embark on a journey – together.

“The lovely things about cruising is that planning usually turns out to be of little use.”  Dom Degnon

Luxury Wine and Grapes